Déjà Vu…
Have you ever had a déjà vu moment?
The term, from the French, can literally be translated as “already seen.” The human brain, ever fascinating, creates a sensation of having lived a certain situation from the past even though that event or experience never actually occurred.
The first time I traveled to Europe (back in 2010), I had a déjà vu moment. Some might call it the effect of jet-leg, but stepping foot in a country I had never been, there was a sense of familiarity even though it was completely unfamiliar territory.
I’ve thought about that déjà vu moment often, and I have concluded that despite the distance, and at times the unfamiliarity, of international ministry, there is a closeness as people and places demonstrate the theological truth of what it means to be a body of believers, united in Christ.
Strasbourg, France
This summer I have the incredible opportunity to travel to Strasbourg, France from June 1-10 through the Bevin Center for Missions Mobilization at Southern Seminary. Our team will be working alongside IMB missionaries in a church-planting context.
Working in eastern France, we will be doing evangelism and outreach in the local community. The missionaries our team is partnering with have a coffee cart, which is brought into the local parks, and coffee is freely distributed as we share and have Gospel conversations amongst the community.
In addition to outreach in the local community, we will be learning from the missionaries about what it means to be on the frontlines of sharing the gospel and church planting in a post-modern, post-Christian, European context. The goal of this trip is to partner with believers who are working to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to those around them.
Ways You Can Partner With Me
Pray! There is such a joy among believers in partnering together for the advance of the Gospel. Pray that our ministry is fruitful and brings God glory. Pray that God will provide financially.
Consider partnering with me financially. My trip needs are $1,500 by January 31st and $1,500 by May 15th. Giving is by check or online at: https://app.managedmissions.com/MyTrip/annakinde1.
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